Unfortunately business depends on following or belonging to a niche or trend. However, if you can start a trend or niche, your business will always influence and survive. Here I am going to give you a formula for how I think trends are started.
The Trend Setter Formula:
1- It has to Change Mind & Behavior - Trends are made through social breakthroughs and habitual behaviors. If someone can create a habit it can change your mind and start a movement or revelation.
2- Convenience - In order for something to change someone’s mind it has to be convenient to make it easy to apply and become natural.
3- Gives Confidence - All trends are temporary lifestyles so anything that gives confidence will easily spread to the masses looking for an easier way or solution.
Some examples of starting trends are:
1- New Words & Slang
2- Repurposing & Renewing Habits or Behaviors
3- Breakthroughs or Solutions
4- Hacks or Discoveries
5- New Ideas & Perspectives
6- Convenience
7- Quality of Life & Experiences
8- Appearance & Confidence
9- Income & Saving Money
10- Diet & Health
11- Mindsets & Discipline
12- Media & Entertainment
13- Wisdom & Knowledge
14- Information & Education
15- Abundance & Minimalism