Here is a list of part time jobs that are high paying ($20Hr) that you can work your way up in.
Custom Tailoring - Fitting people into suits at places like Joseph A Banks
Leasing Consultant - Helping people find rentals or properties to live in
Recreation Assistant - Organizing recreational activities for resorts or youth / senior organizations
Auto Technician (Oil Changes) - Changing oil, filling fluids, changing windshield wipers & tire rotations at places like Jiffy Lube or Grease Monkey
Pool Cleaning - Cleaning or installing pools at homes
Power Washing - Power washing buildings or pavement
Valet - Retrieving cars at hotels or parties
Trash Porter - Taking care of parking lots and trash in communities
Spray Foam Insulation - Spraying foam insulation in homes
Phlebotomist - With a certification you can take peoples blood, urine and vitals