Jonathan M Bernard - The Lost Artist (Free eBook Download)
A Book on the process to becoming an Artist
No Ideas
"Not having any idea of what you want to do or know is the foundation of your thought process. It’s a clean slate to have the freedom and space to build something from scratch. Having no ideas allows you to live as raw and as pure as you want to be, the more you live the better the substance will grow. Having substance nurtures your thoughts and that is how you establish new ideas. Forcing yourself to think of things without much time or substance relies on how much experience you have with the idea you are forcing. The longer the time the more familiar it will feel. Doing new things requires time to process the learning of information or to establish a new creative cycle. Doing the same thing does not establish different results. Controlling your way of thinking will be the key to your artistic freedom."
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Infinit Creations, Where People Get Ideas and Inspiration To Build Wealth, Grow, Transform And Live Rich!
Royalty Free Art & Music / Entertainment / Education / Life Coaching / Social & Business Networking / The Micro Macro & Astro Millionaire Lifestyles / Vegetarian Food / Influencer Blog / Creative Consultation / Lifestyle Mentoring / Local & Remote Services by Jon Be Infinit Beats (Jonathan M Bernard)
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